Methodological approach to developing of double dosimetry algorithms and its application in the interventional cardiology
À. À. Morgun1, V. V. Chumak1, O. V. Bakhanova1, V. M. Voloskii1, S. M. Furkalo2, O. A. Vlasenko2, P. A. Gyndych2, O. G. Borodinchyk1, N. P. Deniachenko1
1State Institution “National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of MedicalSciences of Ukraine”, Melnykov str., 53, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
2A. Shalimov National Institute for Surgery and Transplantology NAMS Ukraine
Study objectives: to develop taking into account the specifity of exposure conditions a new algorithm for interventional cardiologists who use the X-ray protective clothes.
Materials and methods: modelling of the typical conditions of radiation exposure of interventional cardiologist wearing protective clothes during the interventions, providing Monte-Carlo computations of organ doses and dosimeters readouts.
Results: partial dose values for all possible radiation conditions and relative frequency weight coefficients for each condition were obtained by Monte-Carlo method.
Conclusions: flexible and adaptive methodology for algorithm developing was proposed, a more specific algorithm was obtained for typical radiation conditions occuring under the interventional cardiology procedures. This algorithm well corresponded to experimental measurements demonstrating at that less conservatism comparing to other known algorithms.
Key words: algorithm, double dosimetry, effective dose, interventional cardiology, Monte-Carlo simulation, optimization.
Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. 2013;18:127–132.