Editor-In-Chief: D. À. Bazyka, Academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
Deputy Editor-In-Chief: V. O. Sushko, Corresponding Member of the NAMS of Ukraine, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
Executive Editors:
V. V. Chumak, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv) – Epidemiology and Dosimetry Section
V. V. Talko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv) – Experimental Research Section
À. À. Chumak, Corresponding Member of the NAMS of Ukraine, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv) – Clinical Research Section
Executive Secretary: À. Ì. Yanina, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Technical Design Executive: D. E. Afanasyev, Candidate of Medical Sciences (Kyiv)
Editorial Board Members:
I. V. Abramenko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
O. V. Bakhanova, Dr. of Biological Sciences (Kyiv)
G. Ì. Chobotko, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
S. V. Demydov, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
E. A. Domina, Dr. of Biological Sciences (Kyiv)
I. S. Dyagil, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
D. I. Gudkov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
I. M. Ilienko, Dr. of Biological Sciences (Kyiv)
S. V. Klymenko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
G. Yo. Lavrenchuk, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
A. I. Lypska, Dr. of Biological Sciences (Kyiv)
O. O. Lytvynenko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
K. Mabuchi, M.D., Ph.D., Prof. (Bethesda, MD, USA)
Zh. Ì. Minchenko, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
N. À. Mitryaeva, Dr. of Medical Sciences (Kharkiv)
L. Ì. Ovsiannikova, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
V. A. Prylypko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
À. Yu. Romanenko, Academician of the NAMS of Ukraine, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
P. À. Fedirko, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
O. V. Shemetun, Dr. of Medical Sciences (Kyiv)
Sh. Yamashita, M.D., Ph.D., Prof. (Nagasaki, Japan)
L. À. Yanovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences (Kyiv)
Executive editor: V. O. Sushko, Corresponding Member of the NAMS of Ukraine, Dr. of Medical Sciences, Prof. (Kyiv)
Editorial address:
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy
of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» (NRCRM), 53 Yuriia Illienka St., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
tel.: 38044-483-30-45; fax: 38044-483-72-02; e-mail: rad_problems@ukr.net