D. Belyi, Î. Nastina, G. Sydorenko, N. Kursina, O. Bazyka, O. Kovaliov, D. Bazyka
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», 53 Yuriia Illienka Str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
Objective. To study the state of cardiovascular system in servicemen (SM) of Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF), who took
part in the fight against russian military aggression, and the factors of military service that could cause the occurrence of circulatory system diseases.
Materials and methods. The study included 110 men of UAF, who were undergoing examination and treatment at
the NRCRM. The average age of the examinees was (46.4 ± 8.8) years. The checkup included an examination by a
cardiologist and different diseases experts (as indicated), electrocardiography, Doppler echocardiography, daily
monitoring of the electrocardiogram and other necessary studies.
Results. Hypertensive heart disease (HHD) was diagnosed in 83.6 % of patients, coronary heart disease (CHD) in
52.8 % ones, including 7.3 % of persons who survived an acute myocardial infarction, heart failure (HF) in 80.9 %
of patients. Before the war, 51.8 and 7.3 % of SM suffered from HHD and CHD, respectively. Seven SM sustained a
missile wound of extremities and subsequently developed HHD, suggesting a possible association between the two
events (Pearson’s χ2 = 4.148 with ð = 0.042, but ð = 0.081 using Fisher’s exact test). Out of 18 SM without signs of
HHD, 8 had normal body weight and 10 had obesity, when in SM with HHD it was 7 and 15 persons, respectively.
Obesity I degree discovered in 10, and II degree in 2 SM. Excess body weight and the degree of obesity had a significant relationship with HHD development (χ2 = 8.995; ð = 0.029). The age of patients with CHD (50 persons) was
significantly greater than that of patients without CHD (52 persons): (50.1 ± 5.4) vs. (42.0 ± 9.5) years at ð = 0.000.
Conclusions. Among circulatory system diseases in SM of UAF HHD and CHD were the most common ones. More than
half of the SM were sick with HHD before being drafted into the army. During the period of taking part in the war
the development of HHD new cases was observed in 35 SM, and CHD in 50 SM. The onset of HHD new cases can be
associated with missile wound of extremities and obesity, and new CÍD cases with age factor.
Key words: servicemen of Ukrainian Armed Forces, hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, obesity, missile wound of extremities.
Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 2023;28:254-266. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2023-28-254-266
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