D. A. Bazyka, V. O. Sushko, O. M. Ivanova, V. V. Vasylenko, A. B. Bilonyk, G. V. Fedosenko,
V. B. Buderatska, Z. N. Boiko, M. I. Chepurny, M. S. Kuriata, V. V. Morozov, S. G. Gorbachov,
S. V. Masiuk
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», 53 Yuriia Illienka Str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
Objective: scientific substantiation of the new methodology for estimation of passport doses of the settlements
which belong to Zone of Unconditional (obligatory) Resettlement, or 2nd zone and Zone of Granted Voluntary
Resettlement, or 3rd zone in the framework of dosimetric passportization in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. 37 years after the accident, radioactive contamination of the environment has significantly decreased. However, it is still necessary to carry out ecological and dosimetric monitoring and apply countermeasures in certain territories of Ukraine affected by the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant: restriction of
the consumption of locally produced milk, forest products, etc. The methodology, which was since 1996 used to estimate the passport doses of Ukrainian settlements, no longer corresponds to the current level of scientific knowledge
about radioactive contamination of environment. The new methods of passport doses calculating presented in the
work involves the use of a model whose parameters are determined by the types, quality and completeness of radioecological and dosimetric monitoring carried out on the radioactively contaminated territories in 1986–2013. The
methodology takes into account the specific of radioactive contamination of each settlement. The passport dose of
external exposure is reconstructed only from 137Cs radionuclide, because the contributions of other Chornobyl
radionuclides influence the radiation dose only in the first years after the accident. The passport dose of internal
exposure is formed as a result of the consumption of 137Cs contaminated food products. It is calculated depending
on the availability in the settlement in the current year of the results of measurements of the 137Cs radionuclide
activity incorporated in the human body using a whole body counter (WBC) and the activity of 137Cs in the private
milk. At the same time, priority is given precisely to the results of WBC measurements of 137Cs.
Results and conclusions. A new methodology (Methodology-2023) for passport doses calculation of Ukrainian settlements was substantiated. A comparison of passport doses based on the results of radioecological and dosimetric
monitoring in 2011 calculated by Methodology-2023 and passport doses calculated by Methodology-96 was made.
Passport doses calculated by Methodology-2023 increased by 40 % on average compared to doses calculated by
Methodology-96. At the same time, passport doses of internal radiation calculated by the new methodology
increased by 1.5 times, and passport doses of external radiation increased by 1.7 times. The passport dose of 2011,
calculated by Methodology-2023, exceeds the legally established limit of 1 mSv in 71 settlements, most of which are
located in Korostenkyi raion of Zhytomyr Oblast.
Key words: internal radiation, external radiation, whole body counter, passport dose, radioactively contaminated territories, Chornobyl accident.
Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 2023;28:110-142. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2023-28-110-142
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