V. A. Prylypko, Yu. Yu. Ozerova, M. M. Morozova, I. V. Bondarenko
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical
Sciences of Ukraine», 53 Yuriia Illienka St., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
Objective: to assess the state of information needs of the population and its provision by local governments on the
safety of nuclear energy facilities and community preparedness for emergencies at nuclear power plants (NNP).
Materials and methods. To determine the information needs of the population, a survey of the working population
of the surveillance zone (SZ) of the NPP was conducted using unique probability sampling, where the sample was
322 people and the sampling error was 5.4 % with a confidence interval of 95.0 %. The issues of population behavior in case of emergencies at NPPs were studied. The assessment of the quality of the information content of the
official websites of the executive authorities and local governments of various levels on radiation safety issues was
carried out.
Results. The population of the SZ NPP considers the most effective information at the place of work, through neighbors, friends, from State Emergency Service specialists. Among information channels, the first place in terms of efficiency is occupied by Internet resources and social networks; the press and television occupy the second position,
but remain convenient for the majority of the population. The most popular information related to NPP activities
are: radiation status, environmental impact, benefits and subventions, such as compensation for the risk of living
near NPPs, conditions of storage and disposal of radioactive waste. The preparedness of communities and the behavior of the population, in case of an emergency at the nuclear power plant, has been practiced in the satellite city
and partially in the cities, but the rural population understands the sequence of actions much worse.
Conclusion. Information support in NPP satellite cities is significantly better compared to rural areas of SZ. Bodies
of executive power and local self-government of the NPP SZ do not perform their function of informing the population on radiation safety and community readiness for emergencies through their official websites. The problem of
information support of territorial communities is one of the most important to prevent the consequences of emergencies.
Key words: information support, nuclear power plant surveillance zone, radiation safety.
Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 2022;27:188-202. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2022-27-188-202
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