R. V. Boiko, D. I. Bilko, I. Z. Russu, N. M. Bilko
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2 G. Skovorody Str., Kyiv 04070
Objective. To perform comparative analysis of the characteristics of population functioning process of mice bone
marrow colony-forming units after their prolonged irradiation in lethal and non-lethal doses with equal dose rate
intensity with the aid of mathematical model.
Materials and methods. Assigned task is solved by means of mathematical model of alterations in the number of
bone marrow colony-forming units after continuous irradiation, described in previous works, with the use of experimental results of K. S. Chertkov works (1972, 1973). Mathematical model is developed basing on the hematopoiesis
scheme introduced by I. L. Chertkov (1984, 1991).
Results and conclusions. By applying original mathematical model, new scheme of hematopoiesis [6], with the
use of experimental results of γ-irradiation influence in the doses of 4 Gy and 8 Gy with the dose rate intensity of
0.0028 Gy/min on the number of mice bone marrow colony-forming units, as well as experimental data concerning
the processes of their number recovery, obtained from literature references, we determined the parameters, which
characterize hematopoietic system reaction on the different stages of recovery processes of mice bone marrow
colony-forming units after the termination of ionizing radiation action; comparative analysis of obtained results
was performed.
Key words: ionizing radiation, lethal and non-lethal doses, bone marrow, functional properties, mathematical modelling.
Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 2020;25:300-308. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2020-25-300-308
full text
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