V. G. Bebeshko, K. M. Bruslova, T. T. Volodina, L. O. Lyashenko, N. M. Tsvetkova, I. V. Trychlib,
T. O. Chernysh, V. G. Boyarskiy, L. O. Gonchar, N. V. Kavardakova
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», 53 Yuriia Illienka str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
Objective. establishing the types and frequency of disembriogenetic stigma in children with joint hypermobility
given the clinical and laboratory features, genetic component and endocrine regulation of these disorders in a late
period upon the accident.
Materials and methods. Children (n = 109) inhabiting the radiologically contaminated territories and having the
connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) signs were involved in the study. Diseases in family history, ossalgia complaints,
fractures in a personal history, bone disembriogenetic stigma, joint hypermobility, type of somatic diseases, blood
serum biochemical parameters (namely calcium, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, cholesterol, creatinine, iron,
ferritin content), serum cortisol, free thyroxine, pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, free amino acid
composition in urine and radiation dose were considered.
Results. Radiation doses in children having the CTD ranged from (0.37 ± 0.11) mSv to (0.56 ± 0.10) mSv with no
difference from that in those without CTD. Joint hypermobility (JHM) correlated with cancer in family history
(rs = 0.53) and lower extremity varicose vein disease (rs = 0.40) (p < 0.05). Incidence of ossalgia, easy fatigability,
and bone fractures was higher in children with CTD. Anomalies of the dentofacial system were first in line (38.5 %)
in these children. Proportion of children with grade II JHM and platypodia was lower (rs = 0.42), but with lower
extremity deformations was higher (rs = 0.68) (p < 0.05) vs. in the control group. Iron and ferritin deficiencies both
with lymphocytosis were more common in children with CTD than in the comparison group (p < 0.05). The increased
content of oxyproline, lysine, proline both with glycine deficiency were detected in children having the CTD, i.e. an
imbalance of amino acids from the collagen content was observed featuring a predominance of catabolic processes
over anabolic ones. There was a direct correlation between the TSH level and the JHM grade (rs = 0.49), although
the values of hormone concentration in these children did not exceed the reference range (maximum values were
3.3 μIU/ml).
Conclusions. The revealed abnormalities in amino acid content, ferrokinetics, and thyroid function indices can
affect the collagen formation, organic matrix structure of bone tissue and significantly deregulate the hematopoiesis. The later can underlie the pathways of haematologic malignancy development.
Key words: children, connective tissue dysplasia, joint hypermobility, disembriogenetic stigma, amino acids, iron, endocrine regulation, radiation dose.
Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 2019;24:322-334. doi: 10.33145/2304-8336-2019-24-322-334
full text
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