K. M. Loganovsky, M. V. Gresko
State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», 53 Melnykova Street, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
Pathological personality development after the Chornobyl disaster and the anti-terrorist operation
Objective of the study was to determine pathological changes of the personality of the clean-up workers (liquida- tors) of the Chornobyl accident and the participants in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Eastern Ukraine and radiation threat perception assessment.
Design, object and methods. The cross-sectional and retrospective assessments of the clean-up workers of the Chornobyl accident (n = 185), evacuees from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (n = 112) from the randomized sample of individuals who are registered in the Clinical and epidemiological registry (CER) of the State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» [NRCRM] and partici- pants of the ATO in Eastern Ukraine (n = 62) who underwent treatment and rehabilitation in the Department of Radiation Psychoneurology of the NRCRM Clinic have been done. The neuropsychiatric clinical and psychometric methods as General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-28; Eysenck Personality Inventory, EPI; method of personality diag- nostic by H. Schmischek – K. Leongard, and modified social-psychological questionnaire (Joint Study Project 1993) – «dangers questionnaire» were used.
Results. Extraversion, hyperthymia and demonstrativity in the clean-up workers of the Chornobyl accident and evac- uees decreased, while emotiveness, pedantry, anxiety, cyclothymia, excitability and dysthymia increased. Extraversion and hyperthymia decreased in the ATO participants while jams, pedantry, cyclothymia, excitability and dysthymia increased. According to the social-psychological assessment («dangers questionnaire») there were found that at present the «national conflict» factor takes among the clean-up workers the 22th rank place, evacuees – the 18th, while the participants ATO – the 11th, however the risk perception of disease associated with the presence in the environment of radioactive substances in the ATO participants takes the 6th place, the liquidators – the 8th, the evac- uees – the 7th. Hypertrophic radiation threat perception in the clean-up workers and evacuees correlates with increasing concern about the nuclear industry (p < 0.001); the degree of psychological stress related to the Chornobyl disaster (p < 0.001); the degree of psychological stress of evacuation (p < 0.01); with concern of radia- tion impact on health (p < 0.001); negative social and economic changes due to the Chornobyl disaster (p < 0.001). The ATO combatants do not trust to the competence of those responsible for the events in Eastern Ukraine (46.3 %), while quite strongly concerned about the future (48.8 %) and hostile attitude to themselves (25.0 %).
Conclusions. There are signs of personality exacerbation/maladjustment and personality accentuation increasing in all studied groups. In ATO combatants the pathological personality development of frustration is forming, that social-stress, post-traumatic stress and psychosomatic disorders integrates. Hypertrophic radiation risk perception is inherent in all groups surveyed. Key words. Anti-terrorist operation, accentuation of character, perception of radiation threat, frustration, clean-up workers (liquidators) of the Chornobyl accident.
Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. 2016;21:247–263.